Hi guys, it’s been a long while since we last spoke, and I am so happy to be back. The weather is warmer, and I am starting to meet my gym goals as well since I have been trying to for the past year and now, I look forward to sportswear and Under Armour is my latest addition and obsession to my gym wear, look at that growth?
I have been working hard at achieving most of my goals for the year and I realized that I have reached against on my fitness goals, my professional life goals and personal goals, but emotionally it’s still a challenge.
With all the added pressure from my professional setting – regulating my emotions has been a lot harder. I have tried introspecting why is that the case and often even seeked advise and everyone told me the same thing “once you are in a professional environment, leave your feelings at the door “ sure I’ve heard this advice before and since I was in university but I am so shocked every time I hear it because why does that have to be the case?
I have always considered emotions as a point to see if I am moving at the correct pace with the correct people at the correct time. So hearing this piece of advise makes me a bit nervous and uncomfortable but that’s okay because there is no growth if we are not comfortable.
So I did just that, I moved rather say “emotion-less” in a room full of people I share more than half my day with, it did help with what I should focus on and what I can work around. But truthfully? It left me miserable to say the least.
This one day I was listening to Sia’s Elastic Heart, and I related so much to the song that I said yes that is me in a professional seething, I have thick skin, but I also have elastic heart and I allow myself to feel and redirect myself to feelings that make me understand my reality instead of sitting uncomfortably all the time.
And that’s how I have decided to view life going forward as well, that I am trying my best to get through each day, but I don’t have to be someone that I am not to survive the world, I am trying to balance a career I will be in for a very long time and I can only do so when I can be my true self when I can and when I want to.
I will always go through life choosing to be greater , to live greater and to choose to feel so I can attract better always.
Don’t let anyone change your heart, you’re beautiful inside and out and I hope you know that in every room and situation you set foot in.
I send my regards, till next time!