Just A Flower
Just A Flower

Just A Flower

By Lindiwe

#Poetry #blogger

I am in this gloomy room
I got here just yesterday
My new owner says I look beautiful
I can believe that
I think she’s beautiful too
She says I smell good and I believe that
She’s a good person
So perfect
She’s what I am every time I am watered
She feels like home, she is home
In her possession I will always feel wanted
She makes me feel wanted
It’s my second day and she’s taking pictures right beside me
She has watered me; I look as beautiful as her
She looks like everything is going to be okay
She’s the pillar of strength one meets once in a lifetime
There’s so much love and life in her
It shows on her skin, her smile
I am just a flower but it’s rare to find somebody who’s always in their raw form
I’m just a flower.


  1. I’m not entirely sure why it’s taken me so long to follow you – I am always reading your blog. I think you have insane talent and I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. Go take a look at my latest post ! Hope you are well, xo.

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